MN Energy Connection

Project Overview
Minnesota Energy Connection
Proposal will deliver new renewable energy to customers to replace retiring coal plants.
Xcel Energy is proposing to build a new double-circuit 345-kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the retiring Sherco coal plant near Becker, Minn., and Lyon County in southwest Minn. The new transmission infrastructure is designed to enable more than 2,000 megawatts of renewable energy to replace the electricity produced by the existing coal plants. The new transmission line will re-use the existing grid connections in Becker, opening a path for new renewable energy in the wind-rich southern and southwest Minnesota regions. Xcel Energy must meet federal requirements to re-use the grid connections when the final coal unit retires or may lose the ability to connect energy there to serve customers.
Current Status - Spring/Summer 2024
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in May approved the ‘scope’ of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Xcel Energy thanks all landowners, local officials, and other key stakeholders who submitted comments to the State of Minnesota as part of the scoping process. More than 75 additional route segments were suggested during this process, 60 of which will move forward to be studied in the EIS. The ones that were not included in the EIS were deemed not constructable, were in areas where there was not available right-of-way for the project, were close to other route options, or would have extensive impacts that would make the options not viable. Landowners on the new route options will be notified about the project by mail.
While the project is not currently in an open comment period, comments on the overall project can be submitted to the Commission at any time. Click here [] for Commission contact information and please reference docket numbers 22-131 (Certificate of Need and/or 22-132 (Route Permit) to ensure your comments are included in the correct docket.
Project Details
- We are proposing a double circuit, 345-kV transmission line using a single-pole structure. The poles will be spaced about 800-1,000 feet apart, depending on the terrain and other considerations, and will be approximately 100-150 feet tall with a concrete foundation at the base.
- The new power line will make it possible to build new renewable energy, creating jobs in the communities where the infrastructure is located. New wind and solar projects will also bring new tax revenue and lease payments for landowners.
- Xcel Energy filed a Route Permit Application with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in October 2023 detailing the proposed route options for the MN Energy Connection project.
Typical Structures
Steel Monopole

Project Timeline
- We will file a Certificate of Need with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and begin working with local governments and landowners around the same timeframe. We expect the Commission to take 12-18 months to review the Certificate of Need application while we develop route options to be included in a separate Route Permit application: Early 2023
- We expect to file a Route Permit application which will also take 12-18 months to review: Late summer/early fall 2023
- If both applications are approved, we expect to begin purchasing easements from landowners: 2025 - 2026
- Build the project: 2026 - 2028