Pintail Interconnection 115-kV Transmission Project

Project Overview

Xcel Energy proposes to build a new 115-kilovolt (kV) electric transmission line on steel monopoles from the existing Anadarko Substation to connect and supply the power to operate the proposed Phillips 66 Pintail Compressor Station, approximately 2.5 miles east of the Town of Gilcrest in Weld County, Colorado. The new proposed compressor station is needed to support the increased gas volumes forecasted by local gas producers in 2025. It is being designed with 30,000 hp of electric motor-driven compression that will transport the gas to local processing facilities. Phillips 66 requested the transmission interconnection and will fund its development.

We are evaluating three route alternatives for the transmission line (ranging from 2.5 to 3.5 miles) in a routing study that considers existing and planned land uses, proximity to residences, sensitive plant and wildlife species and their habitats, cultural resources, aesthetics/visual resources, and input received from landowners. Route Alternative 1 was selected as the preferred route.

Xcel Energy’s Pintail Interconnection Project and Phillip 66’s Pintail Compressor Station will be built and permitted separately; however, Xcel Energy and Phillips 66 are coordinating efforts.

Project Details

  • Line built to current design standards, using steel monopoles and up to three ‘dead-end’ structures at substations.
  • Pole height will range from 75 to 95 feet.
  • Average distance between poles will be 725 feet, or about 7 structures per mile.
  • Right-of-way and easement will be approximately 100 feet wide.
  • If the new line crosses private property, we will purchase an easement granting access to build, operate and maintain the infrastructure.

Xcel Energy is more than an energy provider – we are a committed partner, helping businesses meet their unique needs. We provide safe, reliable electricity for customers throughout Colorado which includes building new infrastructure to serve growing customer needs.

Typical Structures

Steel Monopole


  • Project Planning: Summer 2022 – Spring 2023
  • Public Outreach: Spring - Summer 2023
  • Permitting: 2024
  • Construction: Late 2024 – 2025
  • In Service: 2025

Contact | 303-571-7707

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